My name is PAWEL. I achieved a lot of success under this name, among others, I’m the most profitable @Sorare trader in history – I’m number 1 out of over 3 million players. I earned money that would allow me to do nothing for the rest of my life, but I’m still young, so I’ve to do something. My current goal is to become Warren Buffett of blockchain investing. To sum up, I’ve experience and financial resources. However, these are only insignificant achievements compared to what I plan. This name has a second meaning. The second meaning of all this is much more important. This name represents the value and basis of my coin. P OWERFULL A NTISYSTEM W EALTH E ARNINGS L ONG-TERM I believe that the combination of these 5 factors can give you something more important than anything else: FINANCIAL FREEDOM. The ability to do what you want, where you want, when you want, freeing yourself from the system. $PAWEL is THE COIN OF FREEDOM.
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